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Vote for Us in Arlington Magazine’s “Best of Arlington 2023” Survey

Our team at Greg L. LaVecchia, DMD is proud to have served the Arlington community’s dental needs for over 50 years. We would love the support of our community to help our practice win “Best Cosmetic Dentist” as part of Arlington Magazine’s “Best of Arlington 2023” awards.

It’s always a proud moment for our hardworking team to be recognized for their dedication to the field of dentistry, so we thank you in advance for taking the time to support our dental practice in Arlington to achieve this award.

Have your say today, August 8th, 2022 by voting in the survey for Dr. Greg L. LaVecchia and help our team get recognized locally. Voting is open until September 9th, 2022. The winners will be announced in Arlington Magazine’s January/February 2023 issue.


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